Although I have jumped right into blogging with open arms, I have not fully embraced the concept of commenting, and I'm beginning to wonder why. Why do I feel more comfortable filling up this big box with blah, blah, blah rather than filling up that smaller box with a sentence or two of my humble opinion? It just doesn't make sense.
But I think I'm beginning to understand my hesitation. This is MY turf, MY blog, MY space to blah, blah, blah. But when I comment, I'm encroaching on another person's sacred space, and right now it just feels kind of strange. It is silly and rather ironic for me to feel this way. As I posted in Thing 4, commenting is a way to validate a writer's thoughts and ideas. A blog THRIVES off of comments; comments fuel bloggers to keep blogging. It would be depressing to put all of these thoughts into cyberspace and have them fall on deaf ears. So it's hypocritical of me to expect some comments without giving some in return. I guess you could call it "comment karma."
So I will take baby steps in my quest to make more comments. I will start with my fellow 23 Thingsters because we are all new at this. We need encouragement. But I admit that it will take me a while to feel confident enough to make comments with "the big dogs" (the blogs of those wise people that I've put in my circle). But some day I hope to feel comfortable commenting with the wise ones.
As a blogger myself, I have to say it's very exciting when someone comments on something you have posted. Even if it's just an "I agree" or "that is so cool" or an "I don't agree" - it validates what you are doing. So please, comment away! :-)