Thanks to reading about Delicious and its tasty bookmarks, I'm hungry. I already had a Delicious account because it was a requirement in one of my SLIS classes, but honestly I hadn't accessed the site since last fall. Why not? When I first learned about Delicious, I didn't really "get" the concept. But now I totally GET it, and I'm HUNGRY for some Delicious (and a snack).
I have to re-certify in the Spring as an Abydos Writing Trainer (NJWP), so I bookmarked sites that might be helpful with my research on FVR (free voluntary reading). Searching on Delicious reminds me of shopping for books on Amazon. I use the "people who bought this book also liked" feature all of the time on Amazon; it's how I've stumbled on some of my recent favorites. Delicious is like Amazon because you can see the sites that others have bookmarked in relation to the one you've discovered, so it really enhances your search capabilities and brings new things to light. And you can use their tags! It's just so cool! It's fantastic for teachers who go from home computer, to school computer, to laptop. I think this would also be helpful while doing research in the library. Rather than putting all of the links to websites on the library web page, I could give kids access to my Delicious account. I'm wondering if Delicious is blocked at school? I'll have to check that out.
Here's a link to my own Delicious account. Now it's time for a snack...
Delicious is not blocked at school. In fact, we are using it on the secondary library websites. Take a look! Instead of creating web pages full of links to great resources, we created a delicious account and linked to that instead. So much easier!