Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thing 4: Behold the Power of Blogging

I'm hooked on blogging. Even though it's been a whirlwind of a week, and I have not devoted much time to my "things, " I feel my blog beckoning me. I WANT to sit down and type my thoughts. I have to keep reminding myself that this is not my personal journal--for my eyes only--locked--only I have the key. Once I hit the "PUBLISH POST" button, this piece of writing will be broadcast on the mighty Internet for all of the world to read--okay, maybe just the four followers that I have, but that's an audience, right? My personal journal gets an audience of ONE. There lies the power of blogging--publication. Blogging provides the opportunity for all "writers" (I use that term loosely to describe myself) to become PUBLISHED. And to think we can give this power to our students? As Joey on Blossom use to say, "Whoa."

The Blogosphere contains all types of writing, and this is why all bloggers should feel welcome and comfortable expressing their thoughts. There is not a certain format to blogging; there is no formula. The possibilities are endless. Voice--that intangible of writing--rings true through blogs just as it does on paper. I'm reminded of Julie Powell, of Julie and Julia fame, whose Julie/Julia project started with a simple blog. And the rest is history.

Here are some of my thoughts on the suggested blogs that I read:
  • I was particularly struck by Patrick's blog about 5th Grade because it shows the impact of comments in blogging. If this was written on notebook paper to satisfy a journal assignment, then this powerful piece of writing might have received a "keep up the hard work" scrawled at the top of the page from the teacher. But this is a blog, and blogs bring comments. The fact that Patrick received so many positive, inspiring comments gives me chills! This boys' life was changed by these comments! Blogging opens the door for validation--and that's what all writers (people, for that matter) want. We want someone to read what we have to say and then reply, "I totally get that." Think of Facebook, my personal form of crack. Don't we feel good when we get those little "likes" and even better when we get comments? Honestly, I feel like a total loser when I post a status update and get nothing in return. The power of validation at work, which to a writer is like air; it sustains us and keeps us coming back for more. Blogging is powerful stuff--publication and validation are only a few clicks away. Awesome.
  • I love it when my worlds collide. For my UNT class, I had to read a wiki post by Joyce Valenaza in which she urges school librarians to step into the 21st century and embrace Web 2.0 tools. And now her name pops up here! I love it! Her blog about power point Reform should be recommended reading for all of humanity. I despise power point (it's not even worthy of capital letters).
  • Cool Cat Teacher Bog: Spies Like Us should be recommended reading for all educators and DISTRICT ADMINISTRATORS (especially on the secondary level). Blocking access does not make those little spies go away. As a high school teacher, my worst nightmare was to end up the laughing stock of You Tube. Thank goodness I escaped least I think I did.
And there it is: the power of blogging. My thoughts. My writing. Not confined between the covers of a journal. Not lost on my hard drive. My voice. Waiting to be read. The moment that I hit "PUBLISH POST."

(And praying that my links work.) :)


  1. Very insightful! In fact, as I was reading your post, I found myself coming up with the same connections -- how Julie Powell didn't think anyone was reading her blog but kept writing anyway, how many times I DON'T type my status into Facebook because I don't think it's "good enough" to get a "like" or comment, and how I too DESPISE powerpoint! :) We are birds of a feather! Keep up the great blogging....

  2. This was very relevant in the fact that we are somewhat inhibited in our steps toward learning!
    You are excelling in your quest toward Web 2.0 freedom!
